(starting with most recent)
Evans K., Flores, S., AM Larson, A.M. 2019. Participatory Monitoring in Forest Communities to Improve Governance, Accountability and Women’s Participation. Small-scale Forestry 18 (2), 165-187
Evans, K., Guariguata, M.R. 2019. A diagnostic for collaborative monitoring in forest landscape restoration. Occasional Paper 193. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia.
Evans, K., Cronkleton, P., Addoah, T., Zida, M., Basefeli, S., Afagachie, K. 2019. Lessons learned from participatory action research in WAFFI. InfoBrief. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia.
Evans, K., Guariguata, M.R., Brancalion, P. 2018. Participatory monitoring to connect local and global forest restoration priorities. Conservation Biology 32 (3), 525-534
Evans, K., Flores, S., Larson, A.M., Marchena, R., Müller, P. and Pikitle, A. 2017. Challenges for women’s participation in communal forests: Experience from Nicaragua’s indigenous territories. Women’s Studies International Forum. 65: 37-46. Pergamon.
Evans K.A., Guariguata, M.R. 2016. Success from the ground up: Participatory monitoring and forest restoration. Occasional Paper 159. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. http://www.cifor.org/library/6284/success-from-the-ground-up-participatory-monitoring-and-forest-restoration/
Evans, K., R. Marchena, S. Flores, A. Pikitle y A.M. Larson. 2016. Guía práctica para el monitoreo participativo de gobernanza. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. http://www.cifor.org/publications/pdf_files/Books/BEvans1601.pdf
Evans, K., Murphy, L., de Jong, W. 2014. Global Versus Local Narratives of REDD: A Case Study from Peru’s Amazon. Environmental Science and Policy. 35:98-108.
Evans, K., Larson, A. M., Mwangi, E., Cronkleton, P., Maravanyika, T., Hernandez, X., Müller, P., Pikitle, A., Marchena, R., Mukasa, C., Tibazalika, A., Banana, A.Y. 2014. Field guide to Adaptive Collaborative Management and improving women’s participation. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). http://www.cifor.org/library/5085/field-guide-to-adaptive-collaborative-management-and-improving-womens-participation/
Evans, K., de Jong, W., Cronkleton, P. 2010. Participatory Methods for Planning the Future in Forest Communities. Society and Natural Resources. 23:1-16.
Guariguata, M., and Evans, K. 2010. Advancing Tropical Forestry Curricula Through Non-Timber Forest Products. International Forestry Review. 12(4).
De Jong, W., Evans, K. 2010. Transnational natural resource governance in border regions. In: de Jong, W., Snelder, D., Ishikawa, N. (Eds.), Transborder governance of forests, rivers and seas. Earthscan, London, in press, Chapter 1.
Cronkleton, P., Albornoz, M.A., Barnes, G., Evans, K., de Jong, W. 2010. Social Geomatics: Participatory Forest Mapping to Mediate Resource Conflict in the Bolivian Amazon. Human Ecology: 38(1):65-76.
Evans, K., Guariguata, M.R. 2008. Participatory monitoring in tropical forest management: Tools, concepts and lessons learned. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. 50p. Available in English, Spanish and Indonesian. http://www.cifor.org/publications/pdf_files/Books/BGuariguata0801.pdf
Evans, K., de Jong, W., Cronkleton, P. 2008. Future scenarios as a tool for collaboration in forest communities. Surv. Perspect. Integr. Environ. Soc. (SAPIENS) 1, 97–103, 2008. [online] URL: http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/publications/pdf_files/articles/ADeJong0801.pdf
Townsend, S., Evans, K. 2008. Minga: The communal work tradition of Bolivia. Native Peoples Magazine: Vol. 21(2): 8.
Lynam, T., W. De Jong, D. Sheil, T. Kusumanto, Evans, K. 2007. A review of tools for incorporating community knowledge, preferences, and values into decision making in natural resources management. Ecology and Society 12(1): 5. [online] URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol12/iss1/art5/
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). 2007. Towards wellbeing in forest communities: A source book for local government. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. 90p.
Evans, K., Velarde, S. J., Prieto, R. P., Rao, S. N., Sertzen, S., Davila, K., Cronkleton, P., de Jong, W. 2006. Field Guide to the Future: Four Ways for Communities to Think Ahead. Nairobi, CIFOR, ASB system-wide program of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, ICRAF, Secretariat of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. http://www.asb.cgiar.org/PDFwebdocs/Evans-et-al-2006-Field-guide-to-the-future.pdf
Cronkleton, P., Keating, R., Evans, K. 2006. Helping village level stakeholders monitor forest benefits in Negotiated learning: Collaborative monitoring in forest resource management, ed. by Irene Gujit. Resources for the Future, Washington DC.
Evans, K., W. de Jong, P. Cronkleton, D. Sheil, T. Lynam, Y. Kusumanto, C. Colfer. 2006. Guide to participatory tools for forest communities. CIFOR. Bogor, Indonesia. http://www.cifor.org/publications/pdf_files/Books/BKristen0601.pdf
Evans, K. September 2005. Ready Set Go! The Great Monkey Chase. Wildlife Conservation Magazine. New York, New York.
Evans, K., Peña-Claros, M., Pariona, W. 2003. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Two Applied Silviculture Techniques in a Transitional Chiquitano-Amazonian Forest. Technical Document 134/2003. Proyecto de Manejo Forestal Sostenible BOLFOR. USAID, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. http://www.ibifbolivia.org.bo/ESP/investigacion/DTs_109_adelante/dt134.pdf
American Business Fellow. 2007. Micro-enterprise fellowship to Bolivia financed by the United States Department of State and administered by Partners of the Americas.
Evans, K. October 2007. Where in the World is Salvatierra? Presentation: Embassy of the Republic of Bolivia, Washington DC.
Evans, K. November 2006. Where in the World is Salvatierra? Presentation: Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. Durham, North Carolina.
Evans, K. 2006. Evaluating and adapting future scenarios in forest-dependent communities in the northern Bolivian Amazon. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.
Evans, K. 2006. Evaluating and adapting future scenarios in forest-dependent communities in Hue province, Vietnam. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. 39p.
Evans, K., de Jong, W., Miranda, P. and Cronkleton, P. 2006. Evaluating and adapting multidisciplinary landscape assessment in forest-dependent communities in the northern Bolivian Amazon. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. 36p. Available at: http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/MLA.
Evans, K., Krubsack, K. September 2006. Where in the World is Salvatierra? Presentation: The World Bank. Washington DC.
De Jong, W. and Evans, K. 2005. Volatile Markets and Empowerment of the Poor. JCAS Internet Newsletter. Japan Center for Area Studies. Kyoto, Japan. http://www.minpaku.ac.jp/jcas/english/newsletter/perspective_1/20050713/
Evans, K. April 2005. Evaluating and Adapting Future Scenarios in Pando, Bolivia. Presentation: CIFOR. Bogor, Indonesia.
Peace Corps Photography Contest. September 2004. First Place Winner “Landscape/Nature” and “Technology.” United States Peace Corps, Washington DC.
Evans, K. February 2004. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Two Applied Silviculture Techniques in a Transitional Chiquitano-Amazonian Forest. Presentation: ExpoForest. Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Evans, K., Miranda, P. Lessons Learned in Building Management Capacity in a Community Forestry Business. August 2003. Presentation: Second Annual Bolivian Forestry Research Meeting. Cochabamba, Bolivia.